Walthamstow market has many good things: It's open every day. It's cheap. There are clean and accessible toilets. Shoppers are mostly locals.
So what's wrong with it? Perhaps it's best compare it side-by-side with a true little bit of authentic East London, Broadway Market in Hackney.
Both markets attract local shoppers
Broadway market
Both Have Authentic East End fare
Cockles and muscles at Walthamstow
An authentic jellied eel shop on Broadway market.
The difference in in the merchandise. Although there are 500 stalls at Walthamstow, much of the merchandise looks the same. There are no stalls filled with nice old junk. Instead, it's mostley plastic tat. The fruit and veg leave a lot to be desired.
The merchandise at Broadway market is a different story:
Vintage quilts
Artisan cakes
Homemade jams......
......and blocks of vintage and handmade clothing, old knick knacks and good old junk.
Walthamstow High Street, London E17
Broadway Market, London, E8
Walthemstow and Broadway market are two entirely different kettles of fish. Broadway market has historically been there for a long time but by 2000 there was only really a couple of fruit and veg stalls to call a market. As the area was gentrified and the crack heads and drunks that occupied the Cat and Mutton relocated, a young fashion crowd moved in. The market began again selling products targeted at the more middle class consumer. Organic meat and veg, great coffee and homemade cakes. Walthamstow market, which was never gentrified also changed it's produce to meet the demands of the increasingly multicultural, but still primarily working class consumer. In my mind, if you want a genuine taste of London and need to do some shopping Walthemstow, or Dalston market are fantastic. If you want a nice Saturday afternoon out Broadway market is a good alternative.
By Dalston Market, do you mean Ridley Road?
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