Forbidden planets is a superstore for nerds with well-paying jobs. I use the term "nerd" in admiration, especially if they are paid enough to be able to shop here.
The basement houses comic books, graphic novels, sf fantasy, dvds, videos and games. Stock includes a fairly good range of new comics, and a few back issues, both American and UK issues. Unlike many comic book stores, they don't bag most of the comics. Books include trade paperbacks, graphic novels, as well as art books and sci-fi and Fantasy. From easy reading choices like Terry Pratchett to more literary, non-formulaic sci-fi and horror. A good selection of Manga includes Japanese-language selections.
The ground floor lures customers in with pop art, designer vinyl, limited distribution direct market toys and mass-market goods, such as Simpsons and Nightmare Before Christmas collectibles.
179 Shaftesbury Avenue
020 7420 3666
Hours: Mon to Weds and Fri to Sat 10.00am to 7.00pm, Thurs 10.00am to 8.00pm, Sun 12.00pm to 6.00pm
179 Shaftesbury Avenue
020 7420 3666
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