If you happen to be stuck in London with someone who does not appreciate shopping, Take him to Liberty of London. (Note my sexist use of the word “him.”) Liberty is a fantastic Tudor building that was built with the beams two ships. A couple of the nice architectural details include commemorative carvings honoring the Liberty employees who died in WWI & WWII. This should give you at lest an hour to shop, while your companion reads the memorials.
I love Liberty prints. Hankies, tote bags, anything remotely naff with a Liberty print on it, I own it. I get lots of compliments from librarians and well-heeled American grandmothers who happen to spot me blowing my nose or using a Liberty bag as a briefcase. The boutique on the first floor is devoted to these types of inexpensive (for Liberty) Liberty print gift items.
Of course Liberty print dress shirts are gorgeous and difficult, if not impossible, to find anywhere else, but it's not all prim and proper. Liberty stocks a nice range of art house labels for the fashion forward.
Regent Street
London W1
020 7734 1234
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